Paige Davis from Trading Spaces. She's obnoxious. She's a dim-wit. She won't shut up!!
religion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows?
there could be a plethora of jw characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!.
for example, what about bill lumberg (the boss) from the movie "office space?
Paige Davis from Trading Spaces. She's obnoxious. She's a dim-wit. She won't shut up!!
i had no idea there were so many ex jw's.
i have been out since 1998. officially booted in feb. 2001. i am not sure on what grounds though because i never went to my meeting.
all i heard is that accusations had been made.
I'm not sure about any changes but I have an opinion based on observation over the past few years with my own situation. My father does not shun me. He doesn't make a public display of "hanging" out with me. We do visit though, and he continues to show kindness to Tink and I.
My wife Tink's family is another story. I think some dub's are motivated by jealousy with-in their families. Some have Holier-than thou attitudes as well. Sibling rivalries have come into play. It appears that personality calshes cause the majority of shunning.
I had a best friend who was an Elder when I lived back North. We had a mutual friend who got DF'ed. The Elder would have association with the guy on the down-low all the time. Now, that same Elder is here in the South, and works at the same company I do. We run into each other alot, but he won't even acknowledge my existance. The feeling is mutual though.
So IMO it's a head-game, personality, power trip more than following the rules.
hello, my name's daniel and i'm new to the forum.... i was raised a witness for the first 14 years of my life and then finally got out when my dad turned atheist...i live in ottawa, ontario of canada... i'm 21 now... still kind of unaccustomed to the world at large, if you catch my drift.
my msn is [email protected] if anyone wants to chat.
nice meeting you all
Welcome Daniel!
I was raised a JW from around 8 years of age. Prior to that I and my sister were taken to two seperate meetings. One at the KH and one at my mother's faith (Russellite's or Bible Student's). My father was a JW when he married my mother who followed the Bible Student's. To this day they are both still together and have still clung to their faith's.
I left the WTS in 1999 along with my wife. I have never looked back. My life has been so much better. I'm free from guilt being placed on me constantly in order to motivate me to push the religion on other people. The time and effort that was spent on my part in that Cult was mindboggling. I was born in 1955, so I was exposed to the WTS for 44 years.
I was never an Elder, but was a MS for 5 years+.
I hope you enjoy your freedom. Have you read Crisis of Concience by Ray Franz? I suggest that highly if you haven't read it.
we are ready to let it out.
our da letter says it all.
( re-copied only to keep off the names, everything else as is.
((((((((((((Mr. & Mrs. Wizedup))))))))))))
I am very sorry for your loss of your son and the horrific treatment of your family by such an evil Cult. I'm glad that you are free from the grips of the WTS.
Welcome to JWD!
she has cancer and is not expected to live.
she properbly has only a short time to live.
how sad!
I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother BadBoy. Know that we're all thinking and praying for you and your Mom.
hehe, how i hated saturday morings!.
hello all, i'm new to the forum!.
first of all, i would like to apologise to anyone who had the misfortune of opening their door early on a saturday morning to me preaching the good news!
Hi Groovycat and welcome!!!!!
I've been out on many Thanksgiving days and Xmas days as well. To me watching the expression of disgust on the householders face, when they opened the door and saw you standing there, was very humiliating. It was like they were saying inside "Can't you people take a holiday break and leave us in peace for just one DAY!?"
Happy Thanksgiving !!!
well friends it is almost time for turkey again.
i had the pleasure of meeting w/our friends xenawarrior, lauralisa, thunderrider and sheilam., for an early thanksgiving.
it would be nice if we could all sit down and have some food together, but until we get one of those star trek transporter thingies it just aint happenin.
Hey Valis,
Thanks for the invite! I wish we lived closer, Tink and I would definately pop in. We're just going to hang around the house and enjoy a quiet Thanksgiving just Tink and I. Wish you the best man. Thanks for all your help recently, it's very much appreciated.
CC & Tink
hey guys, i know it's been awhile since i've been here.
hubby *cc* thought it might be a good idea to post and see if any of you have had disk replacement.
some of you may know that i had a disk in my neck replaced about 5 weeks ago.
Glad to see you back too. We missed you here at JWD.
did anyone catch last nights sat.
night live?
u2 was the musical guest's and they rocked!!
Hi Happy Guy,
Her is a link to where you might be able to get a download of the show you missed.
If it isn't legit, send me a PM with a place to send you a VHS of the show, we taped it. Only thing is I only have one VCR and no way to Dub another copy, so I would like it back when you could. Let me know.
No Apologies, U2 has been a voice on the political arena since they started music. I think they are an important voice for alot of good causes.
i was home the other night, minding my own business, when the phone rang.
the number was blocked on my caller id, but i answered anyways.
lo and behold!
Hi Elsewhere,
It's been pitiful with Her. Tink and I walk our dog's right by her house. She has two lovely daughters 7 and 10 years old who fell in love with Tink when they first met. When we pass by and the kids and Mom are outside you see the Mom give them a look and the kids retreat to the back yard..It's pissed us off big time!!!
It makes you feel like you have Leprosy or some other disease.